Great candid photographs boil down to three things: The candid scene, having a camera to capture the scene (of course) and recognizing the scene—seeing it in your mind’s eye. Any camera will do. Cell phones have captured many amazing photos. …
Month: July 2017

What’s In My Bag (today)
Leica SL, Leica 75mm f/2.0 APO Summicron-M (mounted), Leica 50mm f/1.4 APO Summicron-M, Leica Vario-Elmarit-SL 24-90mm f/2.8-4, Leica macro-adapter-M, WD Wireless Pro 2tb hard drive, monopod, assorted cables, extra batteries, battery charger and lens wipes.

At The Movies
Last night was movie night in the park at the end of my street. “Star Wars: Rouge One” was showing. It was a fantastic night. Low humidity. Not too hot. Slight breeze off the river. Only thing missing were the …

Flying Backwards? Who Can Tell?
So my first outing with my Leica SL was with a 50mm M lens. When I bought the SL body I was not sold on the weight nor the size of the 24-90mm zoom. Yes, M lenses on the SL …