Unless it is a cold December rain. After a nice seven hour drive on Tuesday to Hilton Head Island, SC, it has been raining cold water on my photography efforts since Wednesday. Worse, I’m missing the first real snow of …
Month: December 2017

Writing Selfies
Writing Posts for a blog that no one may be reading is like writing selfies. Random observation. This post is not about self-pity, however. It is about a controversial camera, at least by review standards, the Hasselblad X1D-50c. The X1D-50c …

Morning Has Broken…
Yesterday morning along the Potomac. I’m not taking credit for what is 99.99% Mother Nature’s work. The only trick here is capturing it before it disappears. Which, when you are walking an eager and frustrated Golden-doodle, is not as easy …

Dirty Shots In the Dark
I love shooting at night with a really fast lens using nothing but ambient light. Living in a heavy populated urban area, nighttime ambient light is plentiful. Now, I know that even with a really fast lens my night photos …