What did the ancients first think? Frozen tears shed by a disappointed god? Icy ashes from a distant star? The world’s end? Did they catch them on their tongues? Build snowmen? Momentarily, the world’s scars are covered. Our ever shouting …
Author: admin

Sunbathing Pop-Tart
I may have turned a corner. It may be that after 21 days of limited social exchanges and virtually complete confinement to the first floor of my house, I’m becoming unhinged. Of course, not being famous means it is a …

Two days ago I traded my surgical splint for a walking boot. I’m learning so much from this experience. Like, a walking boot is a partial misnomer. For the first two weeks in the boot I cannot put more than …

Perspective: That Damn Pipe Again
Said it before. Saying it again. Good photography is attributable in part to the photographer’s sense of perspective imbedded in his or her photos. I’m not just talking about distances and angles, but light and shadows and surroundings and context. …

A Fracture, Fashion, Feet and How The Universe Ends
Without slicing into my left pant leg of all of my pants, I cannot wear regular pants until my cast is removed. Wednesday is liberation day. Until then, I am relegated to various variants of sweat pants. Various variants with …

Losing My Mind Some More
Oh, it’s possible. I fell asleep on the daybed with the Leica Monochrom and the Leica Noctilux 50mm f/1.0 ver. 3 next to me. I know this because in the middle of the night when I woke (as usual) to …

Losing My Mind!
Laid up in this room, I keep shooting the same shots with different cameras. I’m watching the world going by outside and I want to scream! (I may have actually screamed.) What I wouldn’t give to be able to take …

What Else Is There To Do?
A ten-year-old child and a one-year-old Golden Doodle are evolutionarily quite similar. They both possess infinite needs for stimulation. The only difference I can immediately discern is we don’t buy chewable squeaky toys for our daughter in an effort to …

Before The Fall
These photographs were shot sans Comet, the night before the morning of my fall, with the X1D. Given its slower lenses, the X1D is not a particularly adept night shooting platform. Still, I couldn’t resist. So, with monopod attached I …