Or as Jimmie Hendrix put it: It’s funny how most people love the dead, once you’re dead, you’re made for life. Listening to Hendrix as I write this. Solos for Groovy Children. Vinyl. I didn’t like Hendrix growing up. He …

Until We Are Unknown
Youngers seem to think that without a social media existence they have no existence. Social media sites promote such thinking or certainly do not disabuse it. After all, subscribers, users, and members are monetized. The young social media needful comprise …
Everything is Different Because Nothing Has Changed
So, time supposedly heals all wounds, Well, unless that’s a pleasant way of saying, “Dying means it no longer matters.”, like most such sayings it’s a crock. Here’s my proof. The last time I posted here the Patriots were the …

I’m Tired of Spring
Yes, it’s only a few days old and I’m ready to move on. I have no patience for its fickleness. There is too much uncertainty in my world without Spring flaunting it’s unpredictable weather. Uncertainty creates anxiety. I don’t need …

Video Killed the Radio Star
In 1979 the Buggles recorded this pop logic hit. Prophetically and intentionally in 1981 it became the first music video to air on MTV. It would be the short lived Buggles only hit. And my point? More and more video …

“You’re Thinking Too Hard!”
A scolding phrase often employed by my father to emphasize when I was missing his obvious, at least in his own estimation, point. Not fond memories, but still memories. Absent the belittlement, the phrase is not without its purpose. …

What I Decide You See Is What You Get
Part of the art in photography is the choice the photographer makes about what the camera sees. Through focal lengths and apertures the photographer can modify the camera’s reality and therefore the reality you see. These four shots from different …

tan·gent ˈtanjənt/Submit noun 1. a straight line or plane that touches a curve or curved surface at a point, but if extended does not cross it at that point. 2. a completely different line of thought or action.
I like tangents. Mostly thought tangents. They keep conversations interesting. Conversations without angles and curves tend to bore. The same might be said for photographs. Angles and balances in photographs create eye interest or brain interest. Some say photography is …

It snowed again today,* Oh boy…
This post’s title is to be sung to the tune of the Beatles’ “A Day In The Life,” the trippy closing song to Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. Love the album. Love the ambiguity of the nonsensical lyrics interspersed with …

Trinkets Trash and Artifacts
For the past few weeks I was thinking about what we leave behind when we die if we are not artists or authors or architects. Memories inside others until they too leave. Some governmental records: birth certificate, death certificate, certain …