“You’re Thinking Too Hard!”


A scolding phrase often employed by my father to emphasize when I was missing his obvious, at least in his own estimation, point. Not fond memories, but still memories.

Absent the belittlement, the phrase is not without its purpose. For the last few days I’ve had in my mind a theme for a series of photographs. I’ve even taken a few and posted them to my Instagram account to test feedback. Mixed results. Still, I keep thinking about it. Different versions. Different techniques. Hopefully, intriguing results. But all of this has caused me to miss more obvious photographic opportunities.

The other afternoon in our upstairs room, where I keep my photography equipment and my stereo, I was adjusting some wooden window blinds and happened to look out the window. A window that is right next to the desk with my computer and the monitored used to develop my photos. For the first time I noticed how great the view is from this window. How many times had I sat at my desk staring out that same window, while thinking about my latest project or while waiting for those same files to load into CaptureOne, oblivious to the photo opportunity right in front of me? Thinking too hard.

Projects are great. Experimentation is great. But sometimes what you should be shooting might be literally right in front of you.*