Farmer’s Market Paparazzi

Credit to the woman staffing one of the market’s stalls for this post’s title. As I was focusing my camera on her display (see photo #8), she smiled and to those within earshot exclaimed, “Look everyone, it is the Paparazzi.” We both laughed, as I moved on. Of course, I was not the only photographer in the target rich environment, but at 6’3″ and 210 lbs with a Leica SL strapped around my neck, I’m hardly a blender.

All shots were taken with my then just acquired, new to me, 75mm f2.1 APO Leica lens.

What follows are candid shots of humans and food. The human candids tended to generally be a bit more challenging. Challenging not so much in terms of focus and exposure, but in terms of being discrete enough to avoid losing the candidness.

All shots are mostly as shot.