A scolding phrase often employed by my father to emphasize when I was missing his obvious, at least in his own estimation, point. Not fond memories, but still memories. Absent the belittlement, the phrase is not without its purpose. …
Tag: Color photography

Trinkets Trash and Artifacts
For the past few weeks I was thinking about what we leave behind when we die if we are not artists or authors or architects. Memories inside others until they too leave. Some governmental records: birth certificate, death certificate, certain …

Rotting Linseed Oil Inspires Yellow Rain Gear
I distract myself from heavy thoughts by wondering about things like, Why are raincoats yellow? It’s been raining for two days. A steady pouring. Too much gloom surrounding everything. Surrounding me. My daughter, at ten, has an innate fashion sense. She …

Inside/Outside The Beltway
Working in D.C. and living inside the beltway I am constantly reminded of this distinction, which is more a state of mind then its geographic designation. Inside the beltway it is easy to get caught up in the daily politics …

Sasquatch From My Stoop
Rain, slick bricks, walking boot, crutches, camera. Fall and (re)injure yourself under such circumstances and you will be ridiculed and shamed. Maybe even treatment withheld. Here, I could lie and claim I did not even contemplate taking a walk under …

“Mama don’t take my Kodachrome away…”
Then again, he is Paul Simon. It is easy to take the color in our everyday worlds for granted. Just like we take waking to another day, family, and good health. Really, what don’t we take for granted? I …