I love shooting at night with a really fast lens using nothing but ambient light. Living in a heavy populated urban area, nighttime ambient light is plentiful. Now, I know that even with a really fast lens my night photos …
Tag: Leica sl

Architecture and Textures
I like taking photos of architecture almost exclusively in black and white. To me, architecture is about the interplay of different shapes and surfaces and materials that create a structure’s texture or skin. While certainly color can be a part …

Piece of Cake
If I had to bake a cake to survive, I would starve. Baking is too much like chemistry. Chemistry was an elective class in my high school. Good thing. Otherwise, I would almost certainly have never graduated. What does baking have …

Raw From Testing Raw Processors
Maybe I will go back to film. For all the many advantages of digital over film when it comes to developing your shots, you can drown in the complexities and choices. Because chaos binges on chaos, I decided that switching …

Then these happened…
I was all set to do a post about perspective, which is ironic because most (all) who know me would say I lack it. These two shots were taken hundreds of miles apart on consecutive mornings. Yesterday and today. Sans …

“Mama don’t take my Kodachrome away…”
Then again, he is Paul Simon. It is easy to take the color in our everyday worlds for granted. Just like we take waking to another day, family, and good health. Really, what don’t we take for granted? I …

“Everything looks worse in black and white…” Paul Simon
During my first foray into photography, I vehemently disagreed with Mr. Simon. With all due respect to Mr. Simon, I still do. Famous photographers shoot almost exclusively in black and white while others exclusively in color. I like both, depending …

Another Early Morning Walk With Comet
Comet loves his early morning (5:45 or so) walks. He now expects them to begin promptly on time. If they do not, he harasses me. He is entirely unacceptably too impatient while I get dressed and prep my camera. Given …

To Be or Not To Be, Candidly
I love candid or street photos. The capturing (and it is a capture) of a scene that would otherwise disappear into the next without any pause or recognition. It appeals to our natural voyeuristic reflexes. Recently, however, in an article …