Then these happened…

I was all set to do a post about perspective, which is ironic because most (all) who know me would say I lack it.

These two shots were taken hundreds of miles apart on consecutive mornings. Yesterday and today. Sans Comet, as he is recovering from some minor surgery. (For the record, Comet would surely not consider it minor. He had his little boys removed and is sporting an E-Collar. He is doing fine, but limited to short walks.)

These shots are a reminder of how interesting photographs are often crimes of opportunity.

The first photo is self-explanatory. The second one requires a short explanation. The tide was out on this morning, so I wandered down through the muck to shoot more boats, of course, and a certain dripping iron tidal marsh drainage pipe. (Maybe I’m terrible at exercising perspective because I often obsess.) Anyway, I was startled by the sound of something approaching me from behind. What, exactly, I thought it might be, I’m not sure. A friendly stray black cat was not on my list, however. Now, if you know anything about cats, you know they are insanely uncooperative. I just took some quick shots, manually focusing, not sure what I was capturing, if anything. (Of course, had Comet been along this would have been a much different photo and a far more interesting post.)

Intriguing photos are often just good luck.