I distract myself from heavy thoughts by wondering about things like, Why are raincoats yellow? It’s been raining for two days. A steady pouring. Too much gloom surrounding everything. Surrounding me. My daughter, at ten, has an innate fashion sense. She …
Category: Uncategorized

Sorta In Defense of Selfies
The selfie bears much criticism for our over infatuation with ourselves. An exclamation point to our self-absorbed lives turborized by social media. We live, it is said, in an age of self-promotion and self-congratulations that makes past despots look timid …

Not Walking A Comet
Human’s like routines. Consistent patterns of repetitive behavior that we do not need to think about. Advice is often given that someone feeling bored or unhappy with their present life position should change their routine. Energize themselves by breaking from …

Inside/Outside The Beltway
Working in D.C. and living inside the beltway I am constantly reminded of this distinction, which is more a state of mind then its geographic designation. Inside the beltway it is easy to get caught up in the daily politics …

Sasquatch From My Stoop
Rain, slick bricks, walking boot, crutches, camera. Fall and (re)injure yourself under such circumstances and you will be ridiculed and shamed. Maybe even treatment withheld. Here, I could lie and claim I did not even contemplate taking a walk under …

In a Hitchcockian Mood
Couldn’t sleep, again. So, with only the ambeit light from one bedside table lamp, I decided to take some shots using camera angles as my lead. I’m not Hitchcock.

The Cross
What other symbol is as universally understood among different cultures, nationalities, languages? Whether Christian or not, whether religious or not, its symbolism is immense. A simple geometric shape with the power to comfort, console, inspire. A simple envoy carrying immense …

Where is the balance?
No, not a clever pun reflecting my walking boot and crutches impaired movement. I’m adressing something much more profound. Why is it that when you are suffering with one injury or illness you are not immune to another? There must …

Rulers: The Other Kind
Many great designs are so much a part of our daily lives that we fail to recognize their accomplishments. The ruler for example: School projects, math, geometry, construction, tailoring, appliance/furniture shopping, stage marks, diving, how tall we stand, tidal depth, …

Unsettling Perspectives
Not being sure what it is we see unsettles us. We are biased to need to understand. Constantly resolving the world around us to make sense, unfamiliar perspectives challenge us to see our world differently. Art is about upsetting our …