Merry Christmas!

Simply no way to post an entry on Christmas morning with another title. Trust me, I gave it some thought. It is snowing in New Hampshire. A lot. 6-11 inches are falling. It’s beautiful. I won’t be taking any photographs of it. At least not outside. Yesterday morning, while walking Comet and taking photographs of an amazing sunrise, I slipped on some black ice and dislocated my ankle, tore some ligaments and fractured my Tibia. I heard the Tibia crack just before I was treated to lying on the ground and staring at my left foot pointed, inappropriately but painfully ironically, due left. Painful does not really capture it. My ankle has been reset (oh boy, does painful really not capture it) and I am scheduled for surgery tomorrow. “Tis the season to be jolly…”

Here are three photos from yesterday morning. Shot with the Hasselblad, which for all its quirks, I have taken a liking to. Minimal cropping and adjustments.

Those that I missed due to my fall would have been spectacular. Isn’t that always the case for missed photos?

Ok, enough with the tragedy on this Maximus of Holidays.

I had intended a post on the different cameras and lens combinations using the same festive compositions. A nice camera nerdy post to generate disagreements and intra-comment thread sniping. You know, the form of intellectual debates that fuel the internet. But now it is Christmas. Besides, I’m semi stoned on Oxycodone and Tylenol, i.e., Percocet. So instead, think quiz with the answers provided.