Hold Your Phones…

Of course you will, because you do, because you must. Our camera phones are the revolution. Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, social media generally, would not be or be what it is without the almost instantaneous snapping and posting of our daily visual lives. Our visual moments whether protests, violence, dances, food, concerts, tragedies, fails, celebrations, spontaneity, oddities, encounters, romances, explorations, accomplishments, adventures, surprises, wardrobes, selfies, bodies are captured and sent out across the world with a few clicks or presses and often few forethoughts. This immense unfiltered visual tapestry has altered our interactions with and our perceptions of the world more than any other technological innovation.

I took these photos through my thick and tinted office window with an iPhone 6s. Whose to say that a 24mp camera mounted on a tripod on the other side of the window would have conveyed the scene any better? Indeed, the more technologically accomplished shot may well have drowned this urban moment in its sharp details and megapixel clarity. The gear is fun. Trying new gear is even more fun, but the means shouldn’t be confused with the ends.

Just shoot.