Without slicing into my left pant leg of all of my pants, I cannot wear regular pants until my cast is removed. Wednesday is liberation day. Until then, I am relegated to various variants of sweat pants. Various variants with …
Tag: broken ankle

What Else Is There To Do?
A ten-year-old child and a one-year-old Golden Doodle are evolutionarily quite similar. They both possess infinite needs for stimulation. The only difference I can immediately discern is we don’t buy chewable squeaky toys for our daughter in an effort to …

A Variation on the Theme Recovering
Confined to bed does not mean I can’t continue to play around with different compositions and the two cameras residing with me using the natural lighting in my cell, er, room using the props available to me. In this case …

Six Screws a Screwing…
is what I got for Christmas instead of “six geese a laying.” Now, I’ve never been quite sure what six geese a laying are doing, but whatever it may be, it must be better than six screws a screwing into …

“Views From Within A Room” A Fractured Ankle Christmas Story
No surprise that dislocating your ankle and fracturing your tibia on Christmas Eve morning sucks. Being confined to one room downstairs on a pull-out daybed is no way to ring in the holiday. Worse, however, is having all your cameras …

Merry Christmas!
Simply no way to post an entry on Christmas morning with another title. Trust me, I gave it some thought. It is snowing in New Hampshire. A lot. 6-11 inches are falling. It’s beautiful. I won’t be taking any photographs …