A scolding phrase often employed by my father to emphasize when I was missing his obvious, at least in his own estimation, point. Not fond memories, but still memories. Absent the belittlement, the phrase is not without its purpose. …
Tag: landscape photography

Inside/Outside The Beltway
Working in D.C. and living inside the beltway I am constantly reminded of this distinction, which is more a state of mind then its geographic designation. Inside the beltway it is easy to get caught up in the daily politics …

Before The Fall
These photographs were shot sans Comet, the night before the morning of my fall, with the X1D. Given its slower lenses, the X1D is not a particularly adept night shooting platform. Still, I couldn’t resist. So, with monopod attached I …

Merry Christmas!
Simply no way to post an entry on Christmas morning with another title. Trust me, I gave it some thought. It is snowing in New Hampshire. A lot. 6-11 inches are falling. It’s beautiful. I won’t be taking any photographs …